Saturday, December 11, 2010

Battery Recharge

I got 12 hours of sleep last night and...


Yesterday was the last day for anything school related. Had a PT test early in the morning, rocked it even though I haven't done that much exercise the last few weeks. I was expecting myself to do poorly but I ended up doing better than I did last time.

Then I took my MSCI final which, um, did not go so well. Our midterm was incredibly easy and I guess I thought this would be too, so I didn't review land nav stuff cause we've done soooo much of it. However, they asked some really random land nav questions about things I hadn't even heard of, and it wasn't multiple choice. Oh well.

I had my appointment yesterday with the LTC down at Madigan. It went pretty well :) She was really nice and showed me around her clinic. She went to med school at UHSUS, which is where I want to go so we were discussing that. It was pretty neat.

I also had to go get a new ID card cause mine got stolen I think. I'm also missing a credit card (already called USAA). There's a possibility that I misplaced them, but if I did it was at home or in my car. I super cleaned and rearranged my room the other day, so there aren't many places for them to hide in. I've checked everywhere though. Literally everywhere. Fortunately though my SSG is letting me off with just a ruler slap (literally, he said instead of a negative counseling to put out my hand and he slapped it with a ruler and told me to stop being stupid since I want to be a leader one day).

I got back yesterday, discovered that I could watch "Eureka" on netflix and crashed around 7 lol.

I'm so happy to have nothing to do right now. I can recharge my battery. Brilliant!


  1. I meant to say *but if I did it WASN'T at home or in my car

  2. Lucky you. I've heard of people getting counseling chits for doing so much as leaving a tool on a work bench in a shop right in front of the stationary toolbox it came from. That was such b/s... >_>
